Creditron RG module

In general the module makes it possible to automate the entire EBA ITS reporting process in Creditron eliminating the need to load reports into other reporting systems or excel spreadsheets.


Creditron's new reporting module enables the following key features:

  1. Complete, integrated reporting


The module allows you to load excel spreadsheets from other systems or manually prepared ones into the Creditron system, thus allowing full validation and export in the system.


  2. Parametrization


The parametrization of the internal relations is performed by the supplier in the system, the parametrization of the data sources is performed by the user. The centrally parametrized cells are marked in yellow to separate the two types.


Data sources can be values ​​from another module of Creditron, from Varitron, or from an excel file, and they can also be sums of these.



  3. Validation


The module can be used to examine the fulfilment of officially issued EBA / NBH relationships according to the current taxonomy. We help you debug with user-friendly tools, visualizing relationships. Defective cells are framed in red, warning messages are indicated by a yellow frame. Standing on the cell you can right-click to view the detailed derivation of the fulfilment of each validation in a window.





  4. Manual corrections


If there is an error in the report and there is no time to correct the error on the source side or to correct a rounding error it will be possible to manually correct some cells in the system, of course with the necessary user logging.


  5. Recalculation of formulas


If the user modifies a cell that is related to other cells the formulas must be recalculated after the modification to maintain consistency in the report. This is done automatically by the software.

  6. Export


At the completion of the report you can create an excel file that can be uploaded to the STEFI system and you can create the XBRL file as well.